
Energy, Food Prep, and Feeding Your Kids with Missi Balison. In this episode of the Boss Mom Podcast, Missi shares her Boss Mom story, gives amazing food preparation tips, and how to make your life healthier through eating and exercise.

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In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Missi’s journey to being as an exercise physiologist and a mom.
  • How Periscope relationships can change your business.
  • Productivity stems from how well you are eating and treating your body.
  • Tricks for feeding your kids healthy meals.
  • Meal prep for working moms.
  • Missi’s mission for helping people live better.
  • How Missi handles overwhelm.
  • A free gift from Missi.

Recommended links and resources:

Can I quote you on that? 

  • Looking back, I’m glad it happened, there is a lot of strength to be gained from going through a story like mine. – Missy
  • What can I gain from this experience and how can I move my life and my kids life forward. – Missy
  • Health is like an onion and you can peel back one layer at a time. Take health one step at a time. – Missy

More about our guest, Missi Balison.

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Missi Balison has been an Exercise Physiologist, Certified Personal Trainer and Behavior Change Specialist for 23 years. She is the owner of 2nd Wind Fitness Studio in beautiful Sandpoint, Idaho where she trains clients one on one and in small groups. Missi is a former Ironman Triathlete and Marathoner turned “regular active girl in her 40’s”. More recently Missi has taken her business online to help teach more people how their body works and how to create a fat burning environment in the body so that they are inspired to make the changes that will bring them a healthier, stronger and more productive life.

Website / FacebookTwitter / Periscope / Free Gift

Connect with Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)

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Boss Mom Podcast

May 19, 2016

Episode 62: Energy, Food Prep, and Feeding Your Kids with Missi Balison [Podcast]



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