
Preparing Your Business and Home for Summer. In this episode, Dana and NJ talk about preparing for Summer, their kids, and in their homes and businesses with great tips and tricks for having a successful Summer.

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In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How NJ handles having the kids home from school for the summer.
  • NJ adjusts her blogging schedule with the change to summer.
  • Downtime for Summertime and finding time to have fun.
  • Seasons for work and life cycles.
  • Working on a business when you want to go out and play.
  • Building a business that is flexible.

Recommended links and resources:


Can I quote you on that? 

  • We have to ask ourselves if we are okay with slowing down, but we have to find times to take time off that is more fun. – Dana
  • In the Summer, I’m working ahead, but I’m also working ahead for the Fall as well, so I can take time off and play. – NJ
  • In Summer, that’s when I expect the growth of the things I’ve nurtured in the Spring. In the Fall, I’ll harvest those. I work by seasons. – NJ
  • I am a Boss Mom. I have created what I created because I wanted to do what I want to do. That means I could be up early or late, but I created that. – NJ
  • Having a pile of cash is great, but having margin is more important to me right now. – NJ

Connect with Dana & NJ

Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)

NJ : Website / Instagram (her total happy place)

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Time & Productivity

May 31, 2016

Episode 67: Preparing Your Business and Home for Summer with Dana & NJ [Podcast]


  1. NJ and Dana, thanks for the good info in this podcast. I recently learned about this website and the FB group and am loving both! NJ, you mentioned in this podcast that you wrote a blog about being productive when your kids are on the playground (or at least I think you said that). If that’s the case and I didn’t make it up, could you possibly include the link to that blogpost pretty please. Thank you!


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