The Intersection of Life and Business with Reina Pomeroy. In this episode of the Boss Mom podcast Dana chats with Reina Pomeroy about life and business and how they’re interconnected. This is a great conversation about working from your core, which seems to be a topic we’re exploring a lot lately!
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- Reina Pomeroy’s journey from working full time and commuting to being a stay at home mom to becoming a full time entrepreneur.
- The myth of work life balance
- How to translate your personal values into your business.
- An exercise to take yourself through to discover your core values.
- Why Reina wears a sash to conferences.
- How Reina manages overwhelm.
- Reina’s hustle strategy.
Recommended links and resources:
- This wasn’t mentioned in the episode, but Reina was recently our Boss Mom of the Week!
- Savvy Business Owner’s Facebook Group (where Reina & Dana met)
- The Boss Mom book
- Hal Erod’s Miracle Morning
- The School Of Greatness Podcast
- All Up In Your Lady Business
- Elizabeth Gilbert’s podcast
- Serial
- Drive by Daniel Pink
- Heather Crabtree
Elizabeth Gilbert’s Ted Talk
Can I quote you on that?
- As entrepreneurs, we need to be intentional so we can grow. We can’t say yes to everything.- Reina
- It’s my job is to help dig out what is underneath the surface so you and get stuff done. – Reina
- Your success comes mindset. – Dana
- There isn’t one route to success. Success isn’t just about money. It looks different for everyone – Reina
- I’ve stepped away from the suffering of the hustle. I want to hustle with ease. – Reina
- Hustle with ease. Reina
- If you need time off, take time off so you can regroup. Take it, own it, let it be yours. You’ll come back refreshed. – Dana
Reina: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Periscope
Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)
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We love hearing from you guys! If you’ve got a question about today’s episode or want to leave us some inbox love, you can email us at hello@boss-mom-sg.local Or, you can always find both of us hanging out in our Boss Mom Facebook Community.
March 24, 2016