This is another jam packed nurture your business episode with Dana. Today’s episode is all about finding your ideal client and what to do with them, once you know who they are.
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- How to dig into who your ideal client really is and how to go beyond your target market.
- How to get past the idea that you HAVE TO serve a broad spectrum of clients.
- Questions to ask yourself as you nail down who your ideal client is.
- How to get into the head of your ideal client.
- A script you can use to guide you through an interview with your ideal client as you research.
- The importance of getting your ideal client to tell you a story.
- The ONE big thing you should be taking away from your client’s story (hint… it’s not their frustrations).
Recommended links and resources:
Can I quote you on that:
- You can’t find out who your ideal client is just thinking about them on a piece of paper, you have to connect with them.
- You can’t help every body. It’s not possible. Drill down, or you’ll help nobody.
- Your ideal client needs to be someone who that loves you and what you’re doing, but you have to also love them back.
- The most important thing about discovering who your ideal client is mindset. How do they feel? What are their triggers? What are their happy spots?
- The best thing you can do is create a guided experience to generate feedback.
- All of the answers you’re looking for about your ideal client are in the stories they tell.
Ideal client steps:
- Find your target market.
- Find where where on the spectrum your ideal client lives.
- Find out their mindset.
- Ask for a meeting on the phone or Skype.
- Make them feel valued.
- Ask questions that bring out their stories.
- Listen for trigger words about frustrations, fears, wants and desires.
- Write those down.
- Use the words they use. Update your content and sales copy with the words they use.
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)
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