Boss Mom Spotlight – Alicia Michelle
We want you to meet Alicia Michelle
Alicia Michelle is an author, Bible teacher, podcaster and certified NeuroCoach™. Known as the Mindset Makeover Coach, she equips Christian women with practical brain-and-biblically-based tools so they know HOW to renew their minds in order to overcome toxic thinking patterns (such as perfectionism, fear/worry, and not feeling “enough”) so they can cultivate godly confidence. Listen to her every week on the Vibrant Christian Living Podcast and learn more about her Bible studies and the Christian Mindset Makeover™ Course at
Share a bit about your Boss Mom journey:
I’ve always felt a strong calling to help other women live to their fullest potential, especially in the area of personal development and faith. I began my career as a magazine editor at a Christian magazine, but after having my second child I resigned so that I could focus fully on being a mom. Still wanting a writing outlet, I started my blog (now Vibrant Christian Living) in 2011 and shared about my life as a homeschool mom, wife and Christian woman (and subsequently had 2 more kiddos).
Everything seemed to be going well (being a mom, blogging, helping women)… until July 2017. That’s when I experienced a scary, unexpected medical crisis that nearly took my life, and my world came crashing down.
On the outside I’d seemingly “had it all”. The problem was that I’d completely ignored my physical and mental health to get it. For more than 10 years I slept four hours a night (every night) and worked myself to the bone. I said yes to everything and took on way too much.
Although I had a growing relationship with God, I found my true worth in accomplishing tasks and being productive. While I was in the hospital God told me he would give me a second chance, but I had to radically change my life.
As I lay in my bed for 9 months recovering I had a lot of time to think and to pray about what changes to make (and more importantly HOW to make them). I realized that I could change my life on the surface, but if I wanted those changes to stick I absolutely had to address WHY I had been stuck in those patterns—the mindsets behind my behavior. Bottom line, I needed to find inner healing for my perfectionism, workaholism and need to hustle and achieve.
Those toxic mindsets had run my life since I was a young child, and this was the ultimate healing I needed. I began learning about how to renew the mind and became fascinated with how brain science supported biblical truth.
As God healed me from the inside out, I took advanced training as a Christian life coach, became certified as a NeuroCoach™ and started my coaching practice and the Vibrant Christian Living Podcast with a passion to help other women learn practical, brain-and-biblically based strategies so they too could break free from negative thought patterns.
Now through one-on-one coaching, my Bible studies and the Christian Mindset Makeover™ Boot Camp, I am thrilled to help Christian women identify and re-wire negative subconscious thought patterns to be in line with the beautiful, life-giving promises of scripture.
I love partnering with women to help them find freedom from fear, anxiety, shame, people-pleasing so they can discover godly confidence and true joy. And it’s such a blessing to do this work from home so that I can still give one-hundred-percent as a mom to my four kids (now 19, 16, 13 and 9)! I am so grateful for the opportunity to not only speak into women’s lives but to cheer my kids on during sports practice, to help with homework and to lovingly care for my family (and myself) well.
What makes you excited about becoming a Boss Mom of the Week?
I’m honored to be featured with such a great group of women who are passionate about changing the world by not only pursuing their career calling but by honoring + treasuring their sacred calling as a mother.
One piece of advice for moms who are starting a business
Be compassionate on yourself. Raising kids and running a business is HARD WORK. This is a marathon you’re running that requires an enormous amount of energy over a very long time. It’s understandable if you feel worn-out sometimes.
I used to see being worn-out as a sign of weakness (“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just get it together?”) but now see it as a beautiful invitation to make replenishment and rest a priority so I can enjoy my life more and make a bigger impact. You have so much to offer the world and you are doing BIG things.
Rest is not a nicety. Rest is a necessity if you want to do this job well and enjoy the gifts of leadership in business and the home. You will show up stronger and serve better when you are rested. And if rest is something you fight against, I’d encourage you to prayerfully consider if there are untrue messages running the show about your identity, specifically around your worth, feelings of being “enough” and your ability to be accepted/loved.
Where do you go for inspiration?
I have a daily connection time with God where I spend time reading my Bible, journaling my thoughts, praying and letting Him speak His truth and His love over me. My favorite place to do this is in the mornings in my garden surrounded by towering trees and the sounds of nature (we’re blessed to live in a rural setting).
What are you currently reading or listening to (podcasts, books, blogs etc)?
A thousand things usually! I love any historical fiction by Kristin Hannah (currently re-listening to “The Nightingale”); books/podcasts that help me grow closer to God and ask the tough questions (just finished “Whisper” by Mark Batterson); books, blogs and podcasts on brain science (Dr. Caroline Leaf is one of my faves); and other great podcasts like The Christy Wright Show (and of course BossMom!) that support women entrepreneurs who want to show up for their families and businesses well.
I want to live in a world where…
…every person recognizes their great value and worth and is committed to doing the ongoing soul maintenance required to show up whole so they can love others well, share freely, and offer compassion and grace.
This is what I know to be true…
…that satisfaction, purpose and loving yourself can’t just come from within. It comes from an understanding of Who you belong to. It comes from nurturing an honest relationship with God everyday and learning how to let Him teach you your “song to sing” in every season.
One thing you can’t live without…
Do I have to pick just one? 🙂 A journal and a few quiet moments each day; dark chocolate; the love of my kids, my husband and God.
What is the big milestone that you are hitting that you are celebrating?
We are nearing 100K downloads for the Vibrant Christian Living Podcast! I’m also exploring some exciting new projects in the next 6 months or so that will allow me to encourage and help women in new ways.
Get to know Alicia’s work:
If you have a Podcast, YouTube Channel, Blog, or a book please list it below along with a link.
Course: Christian Mindset Makeover™
Podcast: The Vibrant Christian Living Podcast
YouTube Channel:
All other Bible studies and resources can be found at the site:
FREE Training: How to manage your thoughts
Connect with Alicai on Instagram