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2 Simple Tactics to use if you want more engagement, leads, and sales


Wish you could get your content seen more?

Wish you could get your content seen more?

Grab our 63+ engagement-boosting questions you can use right now to attract your ideal person and get them excited about you and what you offer.  Grab them here!

In order to sell online successfully, there are two key elements that you need: good questions and good hooks. While there are countless strategies and techniques for growing your online business, these two components are essential for success. Even if you have a simple website, lack confidence on video, or have a brand that doesn’t look polished, having good questions and hooks can still lead to success.

The right questions will give you clarity that will show up in your messaging

Good questions are important because they draw people in and make them feel involved and connected. They also provide valuable insights into what your audience wants, how they think, and the language they use. By asking the right questions, you can tailor your messaging to resonate with your audience and address their needs effectively.

Using Hooks can stop your audience in their tracks rather than having them scroll on by

Hooks, on the other hand, are statements that grab your audience’s attention and compel them to take action. They are designed to make your audience want to engage with you and your content. Hooks can be used to encourage people to sign up for your email list, make a purchase, or simply engage in a conversation with you.

The Why & the How behind these tactics
The reason why questions and hooks are so important is because being seen is not enough. You can put in a lot of effort to create content and promote your business, but if you don’t have compelling questions and hooks, people won’t care, share, connect, or buy from you.

When it comes to asking good questions, simplicity is key. Avoid asking questions that require too much thought or categorization. Instead, ask questions that can be answered in less than 10 seconds and don’t require too much brain power. For example, instead of asking “What is your favorite…?” or “What is the most important…?”, simply ask “What’s one thing…?” This allows people to easily provide a quick answer without feeling overwhelmed.

Hooks, on the other hand, should be statements that highlight a specific result or outcome. For example, you can start a hook by saying “I was able to…” or “I created…” and then follow it up with what you achieved and how you can help others do the same. By focusing on the result, you can capture your audience’s attention and make them want to take action.

It’s important to note that both questions and hooks require a deep understanding of your ideal client. You need to know what they want and what motivates them in order to create effective questions and hooks. Don’t assume that you already know everything about your audience; continue to ask questions and gather feedback to refine your understanding.

Good questions and hooks are the foundation of successful online selling. They draw people in, make them feel connected, and compel them to take action. By asking simple and engaging questions, and using hooks that highlight specific results, you can build buzz, engage your audience, and ultimately drive sales.


Dana Malstaff

Dana Malstaff

Dana Malstaff is the Founder of Boss Mom and creator Nurture to Convert.
She is a mother, author, speaker, messaging strategist, podcaster, blind spot reducer, and movement maker. She believes that too many brilliant moms are struggling to figure out how to grow their business while balancing all that is required to be a good mom, partner, and woman. So many moms are trying to grow their business using trends that feel inauthentic and aren't realistic for their inconsistent schedules. She has helped thousands of women become known for their brain and not their dance moves

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