Episode 57: Nurture Your Business: How to Rock Periscope & Feel Comfy on Film with Dana [Podcast]
This is a Nurture Your Business segment with Dana. In today’s podcast episode she talks about how to host a great Periscope event, some challenges in using this platform and how to build community.
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How to get started with Periscope:
- Create an enticing title. (Use Icons and Hashtags where relevant or fun)
- Know what it is that your tribe wants to know/hear.
- Make sure in your settings you choose to have it saved on your phone. You can then take that and do something else with it.
- Start facing something pretty when it starts broadcasting.
- When starting out, in the first few minutes, have interaction before introducing yourself.
- When you introduce yourself, talk about who you serve.
Topic Tips:
- Broaden visibility by asking everyone to share to their followers and to social media.
- Increase your Klout by asking to tap the screen and give you hearts. (You can also ask for hearts as an answer to a question)
- Thank replay viewers.
- Have bullet points on what you are wanting to talk about, but don’t have a script
- Repeat bullet points. (Repeat and summarize as you go along)
- If comments are distracting for you,let everyone know that you want to get through your topic and then engage with questions
- Help you community connect with each other by letting them know they can tap on a comment and view that person’s profile or respond to them
- When a friend or colleague hops on, help your fellow periscopers grow their following by telling everyone to follow them
- Have someone in the conversation type in the URL if you want them to go to an opt-in page
- Always have a call to action! When you do this, make sure your content backs this up. If you don’t have a list, at least give them an email address.
- The more consistent you are, the more people will follow you.
- A great way to build a following is to do either a power hour – someone new comes on for one topic, then it gets passed to someone else. You can also do one each day of the week with five friends.
- Don’t forget that you can put your periscopers on your website or YouTube
- BONUS: You can now keep your periscopes live forever by adding #save to the end of your title (Learn more here)
Tips for being on camera:
- Turn off location at the beginning to minimize distractions. Trolls are finding people to bother this way.
- Do what works with you as far as location of where you are broadcasting from. It doesn’t have to be a perfect setting. You are amongst friends.
- Have fun with it. Talk about things you like, engage with it. Find ways to connect with them. Be real!
- Outline what you are going to talk about. Know your topic so you aren’t looking at notes. Choose things you know about and can talk freely about!
Recommended links and resources:
Can I quote you on that?
- We don’t want to watch perfection, we want to have fun and get information. – Dana
- Periscope is a great place where I have built community. – Dana
- If you are excited and scared at the same time, that means it’s time to jump in and try something new. – Dana
- Everyone has a community they can be a part of, find one that fits you. – Dana
- Find ways to connect with your audience. – Dana
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)
We love hearing from you guys! If you’ve got a question about today’s episode or want to leave us some inbox love, you can email us at hello@boss-mom-sg.local Or, you can always find Dana hanging out in our Boss Mom Facebook Community.
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Pingback: How to Use Periscope and Feel Comfy on Camera - Video İzle
Just scoped for the first time today! Wish I had heard this before 🙂 thanks for the super helpful info! I was so nervous, but I just did it and took action! My handle is @sincerelystephm 🙂
Listened in on the podcast and had to come here to personally say thanks for this one! I’ve done a few scopes and I love it, but this brings the focus I need to it. Most periscope how-to’s only tell the technical side, not the technique side. This is what I’ve been looking for! Thank you!