This is a Nurture Your Business segment with Dana. Dana gives five questions to help you reflect on your business before the rush of the holidays. This show is sponsored by Quiet Mind Collective.
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In this episode you’ll hear:
Five questions to ask while reflecting on the past to move forward in the future.
- What made you super happy this past year? Plot out some of the big events in your life this past year.
- What has frustrated or made you not feel so good in the last year? What made me exhausted is another way to think of it.
- Is my business helping or hurting my relationships? Is my desire to do something actually working for me? Am I misaligned with something somewhere? We have to answer the question and dig deeply into the relationships that are meaningful for you.
- Am I still moving in a direction that makes me happy? Am I still moving in a direction where I want to go? Am I still moving in a direction that fulfills me?
- What am I doing all this for? What did I accomplish this year and what was it that I wanted to do it for? Was it worth it?
Show Sponsor: Quiet Mind Collective
Quiet Mind Collective is a membership program where you can learn anxiety and stress management techniques in a safe, online space. Stress, burnout, anxiety, panic… most entrepreneurs experience it, but when the feelings continue for days or weeks, there are unexpected consequences.
The Quiet Mind Collective is like a gym membership for your emotions. Whether you’ve conquered anxiety for the time being, whether you want to use this as a supplement to your own professional counseling, or whether you merely want more information about anxiety and stress, the membership is right for you.
Try the Quiet Mind Collective for $1 for your first month using code onedollarbossmom.
Referenced in the show:
Can I quote you on that?
- A good conscious reflection can help us move forward. – Dana
- You have to recognize who you really are in reflecting. – Dana
- Reflecting cannot be a surface thing. – Dana
- What makes us happy is the break down to little tiny things. – Dana
- How can you help relationships to thrive in the future with how you include the important people into your business. – Dana
- Let’s do more of what makes us happy and less of what exhausts us. – Dana
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Boss Mom Facebook Community (her total happy place)
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November 11, 2016