A Busy Boss Mom Day
When you work from home as an entrepreneur and mom, your worlds are in a perpetual collision.
It’s laughter and chatter in one ear, and a business call in the other at the same time. So, how do we balance this, especially on busy days?
Rather than wait and hope that it gets easier or less time consuming as your kids get older, I’ve learned that it’s really more of a continuous cycle of evaluating, adapting and then re-adapting.
A lot of us struggle to find that “optimal” productivity cycle because we are constantly switching between our parenting life and work life.
My work times change in response to my kids, and I am okay with that. I used to think that when my kids got older I would have more time to work in the mornings, but it turns out that is my son’s favorite time of day to talk and connect with me. He’s ten now.
Part of why I started, and keep my business, is because I want the flexibility to be there for them when they need and want my attention. So, this has taught me to be really intention in how I structure my days and responsibilities.
Today, I have back to back calls that will be done before they are home from school. And I even have a little bit of time before they get home to either watch a show, OR procrasticlean. Or tinker with Lego Miniatures which I love to do.
Here’s what I want you to know about working from home as a mom.
1.Juggling the priorities (yes, you have many and that’s okay), and responsibilities of being a work from home mom is a lot.
2.Learn to become aware of when you are starting to put or keep too much on your plate and evaluate what you can change.
3.Give yourself permission to be flexible.
4. It’s not just about how many balls you can keep in the air, it’s about finding joy in each toss and catch.
What’s one thing you can take off your plate of responsibilities today, and what’s one way you can make juggling those a little bit more enjoyable?