

Episode 353: Nurture Your Business: 3 Authentic Ways to Create Scarcity

  If an offer is always available, there’s no rush for our potential clients to buy, and they might forget about us altogether. How can we implement the notion of scarcity of time? Why is a countdown timer a must? What are the other two types of scarcity, and how can we combine them? In […]

Episode 353: Nurture Your Business: 3 Authentic Ways to Create Scarcity Read More »

Episode 331: Nurture Your Business: How to Create a Flash Sale with Dana & Dawn

Flash sales are a good way to make some extra money without building big campaigns. What price points work best with flash sales? Should you have an audience that you keep engaged via email? What happens when you give a discount on your signature program? In this episode, Dawn Marss shares how you can build

Episode 331: Nurture Your Business: How to Create a Flash Sale with Dana & Dawn Read More »