

Episode 344: Crowdfunding with a Story and the Power of Positive Affirmation w/Anna Lozano and Lindy Sood

  Funding is a common challenge for many of us, but how can platforms like Kickstarter get our products in front of people? How do we determine if there’s a market for our products? What role does storytelling play in promoting our Kickstarter campaigns? On this episode, the founders of Love Powered Co., Anna Lozano

Episode 344: Crowdfunding with a Story and the Power of Positive Affirmation w/Anna Lozano and Lindy Sood Read More »

Episode 340: A Mom’s Effective New Approach to Household Chores w/Yvonne Marcus

    There’s a lot of pressure on moms to always keep the house clean, do the daily chores, and take care of their children, and often times they are alone in this. How can you break the never-ending cycle of chores that need to be done, and who should help you out? Why is

Episode 340: A Mom’s Effective New Approach to Household Chores w/Yvonne Marcus Read More »

Episode 7: How Entrepreneurship Empowers Our Kids w/ Danny Maloney

Becoming a parent changes a lot about our lives– including our businesses. How does being a dad impact the dynamic of how you interact with your business? What can our children learn from our work? How do we build an amazing family oriented work culture and a thriving business at the same time? On this

Episode 7: How Entrepreneurship Empowers Our Kids w/ Danny Maloney Read More »

Episode 334: How to Raise Strong, Self-Reliant Children Using the Montessori Method w/ Anne-Laure Schneider

Many parents don’t know which route to take when it comes to teaching their children how to become more independent and responsible. Is there a way to teach this from an early age without putting too much pressure on the child? How can we teach kids to see work from a different point of view?

Episode 334: How to Raise Strong, Self-Reliant Children Using the Montessori Method w/ Anne-Laure Schneider Read More »