This is a Nurture Your Business segment with Dana. Dana shares secrets to finding your ideal client and growing your business through the application of these steps. This show is sponsored by high-performance coach Stacy Tuschl.
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- Assume positive intent when something doesn’t go the way you planned!
- Stop being so hard on yourself.
- You have to create a visibility plan.
- Ideas for creating visibility in your niche.
- Knowing your ideal client.
- How to research your ideal client.
- Having a way for people to get in contact with you.
Show Sponsor: High-Performance Coach, Stacy Tuschl
Would you love your marketing done for you? High-performance coach, Stacy Tuschl is hosting a contest right now with a $10,000 prize. Stacy built her own million dollar business and wants to help 1 lucky winner create their next million dollar marketing plan. The winner will get to work with Stacy 1 on 1 in her Marketing Accelerator program, as well as other great prizes including a bonus for all of those that enter! To enter the contest, use this link:
Stacy Tuschl is an entrepreneur and Business Performance Strategist. She started her first business in her parents’ backyard at the age of 18 and turned that company into a 7 figure business. Author of the #1 international bestselling book, “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success and is the host of the top-rated podcast Business Rescue Road Map.
Referenced in the show:
Can I quote you on that?
- Create a story around what you do and how you got started in your business. – Dana
- You can’t sell to someone unless you know your ideal client and how to answer their problems. – Dana
- If people can’t find you, then your business won’t grow. – Dana
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Boss Mom Facebook Community (her total happy place)
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