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How to Run Your Business Like a Home


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As Boss Moms, we have a responsibility to nurture our families and our businesses, but sometimes, it can feel overwhelming to tend to both at once. How can we stop questioning our abilities to run a business while parenting? Is it possible to channel the same love we have for our kids into our businesses, and how do we know which to prioritize at any given moment? On this episode, we learn how to run our businesses like a home.

The problem is not the program: the problem is the way we’re talking about the program. The great thing is, that’s fixable! -Dana Malstaff

3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • Moments when we feel unenthusiastic, don’t define our abilities. Temporary disinterest doesn’t mean we’re incapable of fulfilling our responsibilities.
  • While we may feel overwhelmed at times as moms, our love for our children never subsides. We need to channel that same, unwavering love into our businesses.
  • Stop wondering if business or family comes first; as Boss Moms, we have a priority to nurture both.

When we aren’t seeing results as quickly as we’d hoped, it’s easy to become discouraged and feel that we need to adapt our programs. However, that’s not necessary. We can boost our success by providing immediate solutions for our clients and by showing them we know what we’re talking about in our space. With that said, we have to remember that immediate action on our part doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll see immediate results. A business takes time to grow, but as long as we continue to nurture it, we will see the benefits.   

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Dana Malstaff

Dana Malstaff

Dana Malstaff is the Founder of Boss Mom and creator Nurture to Convert.
She is a mother, author, speaker, messaging strategist, podcaster, blind spot reducer, and movement maker. She believes that too many brilliant moms are struggling to figure out how to grow their business while balancing all that is required to be a good mom, partner, and woman. So many moms are trying to grow their business using trends that feel inauthentic and aren't realistic for their inconsistent schedules. She has helped thousands of women become known for their brain and not their dance moves

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