Webinar: delivery 1 - 3 marketing changes in worries market
The 3 vital marketing changes you need make RIGHT NOW to get sales when your audience is worried about gas and grocery costs.
If you don't make these changes now then it will become increasingly hard to make sales (especially if you're a coach or service provider). Join me for a LIVE training on the exact ways you need to change your marketing/messaging. 
Do I have any idea what I'm talking about? (aka should you trust me)

Hey I am Dana Malstaff, founder and CEO of Boss MomĀ® and I know how it feels.

You're a smart cookie and you actually care about people and making an impact.

You're working hard but sales seem to be harder and harder to come by these days.

You see ads and marketing that shows coaches 'livin the dream' and telling you it's easy, but it doesn't feel easy.


When I started Boss MomĀ® back in 2015 my mission was to help moms feel connected, valued, and help them create impact and revenue through their business.

Fast forward to 78k+ Facebook Group members, 35k+ students, 3 books, 2.7 Mil downloads, countless stages, and hundreds of clients that I have helped build community, build authority, nurture their audience, and make sales.

I'm only dropping numbers so you know that I've been around the block and know what I'm talking about.

I have talked to too many people the past few months that didn't realize their marketing needed to be tweaked to work in this worried market to not do this training. I promise it will be worth your valuable time.

- Dana

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