The Art of a Balanced Schedule with Marissa Lawton. In this episode of the Boss Mom Podcast, Marissa shares how to focus on your values, the importance of giving back to yourself and how motherhood helped her grow her business.
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- Marissa talk about her path to motherhood, through infertility and adoption.
- Her company, The Riss Lawton Company, after becoming a mother and wanting more than just being a traditional mother.
- How Marissa wants to encourage mothers to pour into themselves so they can pour into others.
- Why she stopped looking down on her gifts and embraced the ability to help others.
- Marissa’s focus on values and balance.
- How different expectations can arise with being entrepreneurs.
Recommended links and resources:
Can I quote you on that?
- I always knew that I’d be an entrepreneur, but to me, that was someone who was retired, not someone my age. – Marissa
- After birth I learned that it’s okay to have a purpose and a passion outside of becoming a mom. – Marissa
- Women can be better moms when they are fulfilled in other ways. – Marissa
- Shift your thoughts about your gifts into a positive mindset surrounding those gifts. – Dana
- Give yourself permission to have an ugly planner where you can make scribbles and figure things out, then you can transfer it to the pretty planner. – Marissa
More about our guest, Marissa Lawton.
Marissa Lawton is a Self-Esteem & Strategy Coach for mompreneurs. In a previous life, Marissa worked in corporate finance. She then became a Mental Health Counselor who specialized in women’s issues. Today, she uses her training as a licensed therapist along with her business degree to help moms raise their biz babies while raising their real-life babies. To learn all about balancing your family, home, biz, and Me Time head here >>>
Marissa wants to offer our fantastic Boss Mom listeners a chance to download my free Mompreneur’s Balanced Month: An Audit to help you find the Time you Need for the things you Love which they can find here
Website / Pinterest / Instagram / Periscope
Photo by Deviant Light Photography.
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)
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I’ve started listening to these podcasts as I take a walk in the morning (trying to work out first thing during these hot summer months). I’ve been struggling a bit since our young boys finished school a few weeks ago and haven’t started camp yet. I needed a refresher on reprioritizing my schedule. It was exactly what I needed right now. Thanks for having such relevant content and thanks to Marissa for sharing her knowledge.