In this Nurture Your Business With Dana podcast, she takes us through two different brainstorming exercises to use and repurpose the content we create. This episode is sponsored by Jessica Stansberry.
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Today’s podcast sponsor is Do It Together Web Design with Jessica Stansberry. In her 5 week workshop you’ll learn how to build your website… instead of a DIY, it will be a DIT. A do it together with Jessica helping you along the way.
In this episode you’ll hear:
- An easy exercise to help you figure out how to re-purpose your content
- A simple brainstorming exercise to re-categorize your content to shoot people to your opt-in or sales funnel
- Three simple “rules” to think about as you’re creating content and re-purposing
Can I quote you on that:
- Getting people to your website isn’t enough. You need to bring them on a journey. The best way to do that is to get them on your list. – Dana
- People don’t want you to complicate your life. Guide them through a process, make their life easier, help them make decisions. – Dana
- Make sure the content you are creating is purposeful and doing something for you.
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)
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We love hearing from you guys! If you’ve got a question about today’s episode or want to leave us some inbox love you can email us at hello@boss-mom-sg.local Or, you can always find Dana hanging out in our Boss Mom Facebook Community.