Hey friends! This is part one of a conversation between Dana and NJ about how to work for free, when it’s a good idea and the boundaries they place around working for free. Make sure you tune in next Tuesday for part two!
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- How do you know when to give away something for free?
- What boundaries NJ and Dana have in place for giving away their time and services for free.
- Questions to ask yourself when you think about collaborating with someone in a barter.
Recommended links and resources:
Can I quote you on that?
- When it feels stressful to be helpful, don’t give something away for free. – Dana
- If there isn’t a great return on investment, don’t give something away for free. Dana
- Will this give you visibility with your ideal client?
- Don’t ever feel guilty about making money promoting something via an affiliate link. – Dana
- If you are willing to give away something for free, you have to be okay with giving it away for free. If you’re not okay with it, then it’s time to find a way to market it.
Connect with Dana & NJ
Dana: Instagram / Periscope (her total happy place)
NJ : Website / Instagram (her total happy place)
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