My new book, Confessions of a Boss Mom (which just hit #1 on Amazon for Motivational Self Help!) is what inspired this episode, and I think it’s something that’s important to talk about because it’s something that doesn’t impact just us, but also everyone else around us.
This is a quick, fundamental episode touching on a key way I think we should approach life, that I think will make a difference in how we feel about ourselves, how we feel about others, how we raise our children, and how we engage in our businesses.
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In This Episode You’ll Hear:
- Why NONE of us are perfect just the way we are
- What people usually mean when they say “you’re perfect just the way you are”
- What we should start saying instead to more clearly communicate what we mean
- A truth about truths that would make the world a better place
- Why we shouldn’t be afraid to challenge each other
Referenced in the Show:
- Confessions of a Boss Mom
- Boss Mom Companion Course
- NEW Course: How to Start Your Own Facebook Group (in pre-sale!)
Connect with Dana
- Dana: Instagram / Boss Mom Facebook Community (her total happy place)
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