
Episode 225: How to Be a Profit Boss with Hilary Hendershott

Over the years I’ve learned that so many boss moms out there have issues surrounding money and how to grow a profitable business.

That’s why I’m beyond pumped about our guest today, the amazing Hilary Hendershott, host of Profit Boss Radio, a weekly podcast for women and money.

Hilary has an MBA, is a Certified Financial Planner, a TedX speaker and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, NBC, ABC, FOX, DailyWorth, Forbes and Investopedia.

She was recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, and with more than 30 television appearances, she’s the go-to personal finance expert in Silicon Valley for the NBC evening news where they call her “The Investor’s Voice of Reason.”

We have a really fun, really interesting conversation all about business, money, mindset, program development and so much more, so get ready to dive in and have a freaking blast learning how to be a profit boss!


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In This Episode You’ll Hear:

  • How Hilary developed a passion for her niche, finance by women, for women
  • How she paid off thousands of dollars of debt
  • How she’s built a brand around being “left of center” in her industry
  • The importance of including your audience in business decision-making
  • How and why to focus on doing the money tasks in your business


Referenced in the Show:


Connect with Dana & Hilary


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