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Episode 191: How to be Heart Centered & Profitable at the Same Time with Dana & NJ

Episode 191: How to be Heart Centered & Profitable at the Same Time with Dana & NJ
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In the ever changing world of business we’ve seen lots of trends come and go. More recently a movement of mostly female entrepreneurs has emerged describing themselves as being “heart centered” – and we totally love the phrase

However, it seems like many people struggle with thinking that being heart centered and profitable in business are mutually exclusive. In this episode, NJ and I are digging into what it really means to be heart centered, and how you can do so without selling yourself or your business short.

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Let’s unpack what exactly heart centered IS about…..

The golden rule & paying it forward

In the beginning of our conversation NJ talks about how the way that she loves to infuse her heart into her business is by mentoring other women who are just starting out in a similar space that she did. She says it’s to her to be generous with her knowledge in that way because she views it as “paying it forward” since someone invested in her freely when she was just starting.

To her, it’s not a sacrifice to mentor these women, but a gift she enjoys giving that she knows makes a direct impact. This is how she feels most led to give of herself, and when it comes to her actual work – she never does it for free, because she has to earn a living!

When considering being “heart centered” you also want to remember that people and their knowledge and skills and passions are valuable, just like you and yours are, and it’s important to treat others the way you want to be treated. (That means always being ready to pay people!)

Being generous in ways that actually make an impact

It can be easy for us to think that in order to be good people or business owners we need to give things away, when in reality, what makes us heart centered isn’t simply the act of giving….but rather, being mindful of what and how we are giving.

Consider the actual impact of what you’re thinking of giving someone. Will it really help them? Or could it possibly hinder their progress in their own life journey? Is it actually going to meet a need for them in a way that will move them forward?

There’s a reason why every single successful entrepreneur talks about how the journey is the important part, not necessarily the finish lines. Make sure that, in your attempts to be generous and “heart centered” you’re not robbing someone else of their opportunity to get scrappy on behalf of their dreams and growth.

Being honest with yourself & others

Another part of being heart centered is being honest about where you’re at all the time – with both yourself and others! Don’t say yes to things because you feel like you “should.” Doing that wastes everyone’s time.

Understand what will serve both you and others, then do more of that and less of anything else. Be honest about what is actually purposeful and what is just people-pleasing, guilt or obligation.

And now let’s look at what heart centered IS NOT about….

Giving yourself away for free

When giving stuff away for free you have to consider what your long range objectives and end game are. There are tons of ways to be generous and heart centered without “ripping yourself off,” as NJ put it.

Always weigh the cost of what you’re considering giving away and whether there is a positive tradeoff in terms of your life and business.

You, your skills and your work are valuable – there is no rule anywhere that says you to be a good person you have to give yourself away for free!

Being a heart centered business owner isn’t about giving yourself away for free….it’s about bringing your best self to the table, at the service of others, and being driven to make other peoples’ lives better by living yours the best way you can.

When you know and own your worth, others will reflect that back to you.

Making decisions from your heart

We want to wrap up by clearing up the misnomer that being heart centered means making decisions about your business from your heart. It doesn’t mean you should make decisions based on what feels like you’re giving from a place of love.

In order to be heart centered about who you serve, you have to be head centered and gut centered about how you’re building your business so that you have the space and resources to use your heart when it makes sense.

Referenced in the Show:

(Just FYI, some of these links may be affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase using the links I may receive some love in return!)

Sponsor Spotlight: Thinkific

You all know just how much I love online courses and think that anyone with knowledge or expertise in an area should take that knowledge and turn it into a resource to share with others.

That’s why I’m SO pumped to share Thinkific with you, the online course platform that I use and love for all Boss Mom courses.

Thinkific is dedicated to helping businesses grow through online education, and helping you easily create, market and sell online courses. This easy to use, all-inclusive resource will change your life – seriously.

Go check out boss-mom.com/thinkific to learn more and try Thinkific FREE for 1 month.

Connect with Dana & NJ

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Dana Malstaff

Dana Malstaff

Dana Malstaff is the Founder of Boss Mom and creator Nurture to Convert.
She is a mother, author, speaker, messaging strategist, podcaster, blind spot reducer, and movement maker. She believes that too many brilliant moms are struggling to figure out how to grow their business while balancing all that is required to be a good mom, partner, and woman. So many moms are trying to grow their business using trends that feel inauthentic and aren't realistic for their inconsistent schedules. She has helped thousands of women become known for their brain and not their dance moves

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