This is a Nurture Your Business segment with Dana. Dana talks all about how she built the Boss Mom brand and business. This show is sponsored by Home Made Luxe.
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- How Dana tells her business story before building Boss Mom.
- Catalysts in business.
- Naming your business – building a movement and having a story.
- Growing visibility and building a team.
- Investing in an email nurture system.
- Focusing on one thing at a time.
- Having a mastermind and community for support and accountability.
- Having a business coach that specializes in what areas you need the most.
Show Sponsor: Home Made Luxe
All moms need Mommy Alone Time in their lives so Keitha started Home Made Luxe a DIY Home Decor subscription box. Every month, Keitha from Home Made Luxe sends ladies (and some crafty gents) around the country a gorgeous, Pinterest-inspired home decor project. The best part is that ladies get to walk around their homes and see their beautiful, custom pieces and think about the next mommy alone time moment!
For the special Boss Mom discount of 10% off your first box, use the code BossMom.
Referenced in the show:
*Affiliate Links Present
Can I quote you on that?
- Writing a book was the catalyst for building the Boss Mom brand. – Dana
- I asked myself, do I want to start a movement or do I want to just start a business? – Dana
- Everywhere I could, I talked about the Boss Mom movement. I grew my business by letting people know the business existed. – Dana
- Don’t feel bad about putting money back into your business, but make sure you set a time to start spending time on yourself. – Dana
- Be super clear on where you are going to take someone if you are pitching that product. – Dana
- I’ve grown Boss Mom because I’ve focused on being good at one thing at a time, gotten really good at it, and then moved on. – Dana
- Work what works. Start with one thing and focus on that. – Dana
- Our job is to tell people what they need and provide answers to that need. – Dana
Connect with Dana: Instagram / Boss Mom Facebook Community (her total happy place)
We love hearing from you guys! If you’ve got a question about today’s episode or want to leave us some inbox love, you can email us at hello@boss-mom-sg.local Or, you can always find Dana hanging out in our Boss Mom Facebook Community.
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