Mapping Out Your Support Network and Transition Plan with Arianna Taboada. In this episode of the Boss Mom Podcast, Arianna shares preparation for motherhood. She shares how she stays on top of running a business and having a family. Sponsorship for this episode is the Boss Mom Retreat, January 27-28, 2017.
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- Arianna’s boss mom journey and mind shift change when she realized she was an entrepreneur.
- The maternal health world and Arianna’s training.
- Arianna’s mission for her business.
- Being a new mother and advice for that period in time.
- Help for preparing for motherhood and tips for being prepared on time.
- Surrounding yourself with people who understand you makes you less overwhelmed.
- How Arianna deals with overwhelming situations.
- Returning to work as an entrepreneur.
- Preparing yourself for when schedules are different.
Our Sponsor:
The Boss Mom Retreat is in San Diego, California on January 27-28, 2017. This event is like not just an event. It’s a place to work on your business, create new relationships, and foster new collaborations. This is a space where we will provide training on topics you choose to help grow your business and give you space and guidance to move your business forward while at the event. The 2-day event is going to be epic, and we want you there! The early bird pricing runs out at the end of August!
Recommended links and resources:
Can I quote you on that?
- In maternity leave, you still need a web of support, no matter what income level a mother is in. – Arianna
- My mission is to help women who are building businesses who need support as they start their new journey into motherhood. – Arianna
- Motherhood is a transition of everything in life, not just having a baby. – Dana
- I pick my priorities and learn to take a breath when dealing with a stressful situation. – Arianna
- If I take care of my family, I am able to better take care of my business. – Arianna
- Your emotional well being is the sum of the five people you surround yourself with. – Dana
More about our guest, Arianna Taboada.
Arianna is a maternal health consultant who works with entrepreneurial, self-employed women to create a smooth and personalized maternity leave plan and transition into motherhood. She is deeply committed to providing genuine, on-going, multi-faceted support that fosters physical, mental, social, and emotional health for new mothers when they find themselves faced with the many unknowns of balancing work and parenthood.
When Arianna is not working directly with clients she is a consultant to research institutions and universities on reproductive health issues. She regularly presents at conferences and her scientific work has been published in the International Journal of Health Equity, Advances in Social Work, and the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.
Arianna has a free workbook for self employed women looking to map out their postpartum support network and smoothly transition into motherhood.
Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter
Connect with Dana: Instagram / The Boss Mom Facebook community (her total happy place)
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