Boss Mom of the Week: Mallory Schlabach
Mallory Schlabach help kick-ass mompreneurs who feel overwhelmed with #allthethings they’re juggling between life, work and motherhood, find freedom and purpose in their life so they can get shiz done and be intentional with their family. When not working with the coolest moms in the world, she’s chasing around her four adorable crazies, 7, 5, 4 & 2, singing karaoke with her husband in North Carolina and making plans to take over the world.
Tell us a little bit about your family and your Boss Mom journey.
I always assumed when I had kids that I would stay at home and let my husband provide for the family. When our first child was born though, he was in graduate school, so that wasn’t an option. I quickly discovered on maternity leave I was thankful it wasn’t an option because I loved the outlet to be able to use my non-mom side of the brain at work as a designer and marketer and that I could no longer imagine staying at home all the time. After each subsequent child was born, I felt guiltier and guiltier for loving to work despite all the moms in my circle staying at home and being aghast that I enjoyed working. I thought something was wrong with me.
I have four kids, nearly 8, 5, 4, and 2, two boys, two girls, who graciously allowed me to flounder as a mother until I finally figured out what was missing: intentionally creating the family life I wanted instead of hoping it would magically fall into place. Two years ago right after my fourth child was born, I started getting the itch… you know the one where you are miserable in your life and job and it looks like everything is going perfect from the outside and you want to claw your eyes out because you feel like a fraud pretending to be happy all the time. So I decided to figure out how to make myself actually happy and stop pretending I had it all together. I had to make learn to do everything I wanted well and throw out the rest. Once I hit a groove and learned how to be the mom I wanted to be AND be 100% focused when I worked, our life dramatically changed.
Everyone in my family was happier. Life was easier, my job became fun again, my kids enjoyed being with me and I didn’t feel guilty all the time for every choice I made… and people started to notice and asked, “How do you do it all and be so happy?”
When I realized it wasn’t a fluke and that I hadn’t been the only one who felt like their life was out of control and they sucked at everything, I knew I had to teach it to others. So I became certified as a life coach and wrote out what I had been doing different in the past two years, and began working with mompreneurs who were exactly where I had once been, overwhelmed with everything in their life and exhausted from pretending they were holding it all together, helping them figure out their sweet spot and how to do it all well.
What are some of your favorite go to meals when time is tight and dinner MUST get on the table?
TACOS! Seriously though. We eat these 1-2 times a week if possible. My family also loves meatballs on martini stirrers… no judging, they think it’s fancy and soups.
Where do you go for inspiration?
I’m a Homeland addict, so I like to turn on jazz music and browse Pinterest for beautiful things I’d never own just to see what’s possible. Thinking outside of the box and pinning gorgeous things, whether it’s printables to home decor to custom houses makes me start to think differently about everything I’m working on.
What are you currently reading or listening to (podcasts, books, blogs etc)?
I just finished a series up called the Mind Readers that was fantastic Young Adult fantasy and now I’m a little sad it’s over. I’m also reading Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, Get Rich, Lucky B*tch by Denise Duffield-Thomas and Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink. I like to keep it different and treat my mind to a variety of content.
What is one piece of business advice that you’d give to a mom just starting out?
Trust your gut instincts. They sometimes feel so far out there, you’re afraid it will never work out, but it will. You wouldn’t have this dream if you didn’t have what it takes to make it a reality.
In one word, sum up your life as a Boss Mom.
What are three core values of your business and how do those values relate to your motherhood?
The three core values of my business are authenticity, fun and faith. I realized a few years into my motherhood journey that I was simply regurgitating everything I was reading and hearing about how to mother instead of mothering how I wanted to. Stepping into being the mom I wanted to be, and being authentically me, even if it didn’t look like how others around we were doing it ,was a huge life changing moment for our family.
Faith has been a part of who I am since I was a child, and it naturally carries over into everything I do, especially motherhood. I find myself relying more and more on a God who created me such a purpose as this, to raise this tiny people to be decent humans and chase after their own dreams. Remembering that I am capable, I am loved and I do not have to have all the answers because he does, helps keep me centered and not a spaz all the time. =)
And I make so many decisions in my life based on how fun I think they will be, so for our family, making sure we are turning everything we do together, into fun, was a big priority. If you have to do the mundane things, why not make them interesting and get everyone to laugh while doing them?
Connect with Mallory!
I do 20-minute fitting calls to help mompreneurs get clarity on what they can tweak with time so they are able to grow their biz and intentionally invest in their families without hating themselves.